phpaga is a web-based solution that allows you to track your projects, tasks, invoices, quotations and more, providing an efficient, centralized manner to keep on top of your day-to-day jobs and activities. Its features include: printing invoices, quotations and task lists to PDF, productivity statistics per project or per person, and financial overview.
- Manage your contacts (persons and companies); projects and tasks; invoices and quotations.
- Easily create an invoice calculation that suits your local tax system using phpaga's billing method plugin system.
- Get an instant rough overview of the financial situation (invoices issued and payments received).
- Print your invoices, quotations and task lists to pdf files.
- Get an overview of how you and your coworkers spend your time through productivity statistics based on time spent per task category.
Billing plugins
phpaga gives you the ability to write your own custom billing plugins which decide how totals and subtotals are calculated when you generate PDF bills to send to your clients. phpaga comes pre-installed with the necessary plugins to calculate taxes for the Italian government, and a very simple plugin which returns the total, not including any taxes. Users have contributed plugins for Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, the UK, the USA, the Netherlands. You can use these files as a reference. If you happen to write your own plugin, feel free to contribute it back to phpaga.
The following languages are currently supported:
- English
- Italian
- German
- Dutch
- Spanish
- Russian
- Hungarian
- Danish
- French
- Norse
Some languages are only partially translated. If you are a native speaker and would like to contribute to a particular translation then head over to phpaga's Transifex page and request to join a translation team, or drop a message to the mailing list.
Look and feel
If you would like to change the way phpaga looks simply let your web designer have a look at the style sheet. You can also create custom layouts by modifying the html templates (the template engine Smarty 3 is used).